Hargeisa-Hon Hussien Abdi Dualeh, Minister of Energy and Minerals flanked by top officials and the heads of the petroleum depertment today awarded representatives of BGP INC With a certificate of appreciation for a job well done at a formal ceremony held at the ministry headquarters.
This comes as the compltion of a speculative 2-D seismic acquisition contract with BGP Inc., that was conducted in offshore blocks namely SL10,SL13,SL6 iyo SL7A which are located in Togdheer,Hawd,Saraar, Maroodi Jeh and Daamreer regions.
The seismic acquisition covered 2500km area out of 3000km designated in several regions in the country.
The energy Minister lauded BGP INC. and petroleum department staffers for conducting the job as required by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.
This seismic acquisition program will be a major step forward for Somaliland towards developing its resources.
Finally, Hon Hussein Abdi Dualeh presented the certificates to the following:-
1: LI Wepping _____ Head of BGP in Somaliland.
2: LI Shuyan _______ Head of BGP Operations.
3: Mike Keane _____ Head of seismic acquisition program at Ministry of Energy and Minerals.
4: Eng. Ahmed Iidaan ___ Director General of the Petroleum depertment at the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.
5: Eng. Omar Yusuf: ___ Head of land survey at Ministry of Energy and Minerals.