Human Resourse Department
Objectives of Human resource Department
The human resources department is committed to improve and uplifting work culture, team integration, training and development, employee motivation, workforce empowerment, retention and data compliance.
Functions of the Department are:
- Develop job descriptions for all staff and ensure usage
- Insure individual work plan template for all staff
- Ensure and support development and monitoring of individual work plans in all Departments
- Develop and ensure merit-based staff recruitment and selection system
- Develop standard staff contracts with terms and conditions of service as per CSC law
- Insure proper usage of staff appraisal forms with performance indicators
- Carry out training needs assessment (TNA) for Departments and staff
- Develop and source training programmes to address priority training needs
- Support and monitor internal training;
- Provide for staff training through on the job training, coaching, mentoring and counselling;
- Monitor and evaluate external training programme impact, results and outcomes;
- Develop job evaluations and grading for the Ministry as per CSC law;
- Develop staff disciplinary management procedures as per standard CSC conditions;
- Work with CSC performance standards
- Communicate performance expectations to the employees.
- Measure actual performance
- Compare actual performance with standards
- Discuss the appraisal with employee.
- If necessary, initiate corrective action.
- Identify hazards and make recommendations to improve safety
- Recommend practices , procedures and programs
- Conduct monthly workplace inspections
- Obtain information respecting potential or existing hazards of materials , processes or equipment
- Be consulted about and present at beginning of testing
- Investigate cases or hazards thing’s that may cause injury / death
- Making fair and merits based promotion and demotion to employee of ministry as per CSC law
- Assessing risk and possible safety hazards of all aspects of operations
- Develop occupational health & safety manual
The Structure of Human Resource Department