Planning and Coordination Department
Main objective
The Department of Planning of the Ministry of Energy and Mireles is responsible for, and is keen on planning, coordinating and monitoring the development priorities of the ministry activities of all national, regional and local authorities as well as development partners in a more coherent and organized manner.
The functions of the Department are:
- Coordinating and supporting the preparation of Five-Year Development Plan, Strategic Plans and Annual Work Plans, Program and Project Plans and related budgets and other strategy documents by the departments
- Compiling and processing reports on ministerial Projects, Programmes and Action Plans
- Coordinating and supporting the departments in formulating energy, minerals and petroleum related policies, plans and regulations
- Developing and supporting strategies for resource mobilisation
- Monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the implementation of the MOEM’s Strategic Plans and Annual Plans and BudgetÂ
- Facilitating the collection and use of statistical data relevant to the sectors MoEM is responsible by the Departments, and compiling, validating and sharing these data;
- Collecting relevant data, surveys, maps and studies and maintaining and sharing a database for data analysis and, use
- Supporting the Department and Ministerial data and resource centres and ensuring consistency, user friendliness and easy access by all stakeholders
- Promoting research, monitoring data, analysing information and preparing reports and plans to resolve socio-economic, environmental, financial and physical issues or relevance to MoEM;
- Providing technical inputs to the Departments on monitoring and evaluation to improve programming, implementation and monitoring of policies and programs of the MOEM.
- Developing, maintaining and sharing monitoring and evaluation system relevant to the mandate of the ministry to guide performance tracking activities of M&E Officers
- Coordinating with Ministry of National Planning and Development and other governmental institutions involved in planning, monitoring and statistics
- Supporting the Regional Offices in accessing and using data, statistics and maps relevant to their region
The Department has three Sections:
- Coordination Unit
- Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
- Research and Statistics Unit