Our Mission
To promote and coordinate the development of Somaliland’s energy resources to provide affordable, sustainable, reliable, safe and adequate supply of energy for its people to support enhanced social and economic development.
Functions And Objectives
- Develop and implement strategies, policies and regulation to promote increased affordable power generation and distribution by the private and public sector.
- Establish regulatory authority to regulate electric power producers to ensure consumers have access to safe, affordable and reliable electric power.
- Regulate and set operational standards for the existing electric power generating schemes in Somaliland’s cities and towns to meet acceptable power generation and distribution standards.
- Promote, facilitate, sponsor and support the utilization of renewable energy in Somaliland such, solar, wind and biomass.
Energy Sector Operations
DFID Somaliland Project
DFID Somaliland is initiating a new five-year programme (2014-2019) to improve access to electricity with the introduction of Mini hybrid grids in Somaliland. The programme will be implemented in two phases.
- Phase 1- Pilot Phase (30 months)
- Phase 2- Expansion phase
Aim :
The aim of the progrmme is to improve access to affordable electricity benefitting vulnerable communities in Somaliland produced from renewable energy source.
The impact of the programme is improved development outcomes for vulnerable communities in Somaliland through improved access to green electricity that demonstrates scalable, sustainable, economically and technically viable application of mini-grids in FCAS environment.
Outcomes: leveraging Private IPPs to adopt hybrid mini-grids, leading to improved access to electricity produced from renewable energy source.
ADRA Somaliland Project
ADRA Somaliland is launching a new three-year project (2015-2017) to contribute to poverty alleviation, fragility reduction, and climate change mitigation for rural an peri-urban people in Somaliland.